FROST: A Targeted Risk Assessment for Criminogenic Needs

In April 2017, Telecare will begin training and preparation to use the FROST assessment in all criminal justice-based programs to help identify people at high risk of recidivism.

“We’re testing the FROST because we need to know which criminogenic needs are highest for our members, so that we are able to drive the appropriate interventions and treatment,” said Gary Hubbard, Vice President of Operations of Southern California and Arizona.

“Studies have shown that programs that target high criminogenic needs with members have a higher success rate and reduced recidivism.”

What Is FROST?

The assessment is called the Field Re-Assessment of the Offender Screening Tool (FROST).

Why the FROST Assessment?

Telecare’s Justice Involved Mental Health (JIMH) subcommittee chose the FROST because:

  • It is quick to complete

  • It can be administered by non-licensed staff

  • It measures for criminogenic risks

  • It is reasonable in cost

According to Hubbard, the subcommittee chose the FROST over another potential tool used by the Arizona court system— the Offender Screening Tool (OST) — because the OST was a pre-release measure. The FROST, by contrast, is used in the community and measures the eight criminogenic need areas that can lead to recidivism.


Frost Training

Telecare’s clinical leadership team will attend a free FROST training provided by the Arizona Supreme Court staff on April 11. Telecare's leadership will also participate in a train-the-trainer event that will be offered in the fall to build the expertise to distribute the FROST more widely to our existing JIMH programs.