Educating Others on How to Facilitate Hope

This month, Telecare presented at the 2016 National Conference on Addiction Disorders (NCAD) in downtown Denver, CO, from August 18-21. The conference provided educational sessions for professionals working in addiction prevention, treatment, and management.
"How to Reach the Unreachable: Engaging People with SUDs in Pre-Contemplation Phase" was presented by Scott Madover, Regional Director, David Heffron, Vice President of Operations, and Shannon Mong, Director of Innovation Initiatives.

The presentation aimed to educate others on how Co-Occurring Education Groups (COEG) encourages individuals to make healthier lifestyle choices by identifying what inspires and motivates them, instead of solely focusing on their substance use.

“Participants were very interested to hear how Telecare measured participants' hopefulness and found, not surprisingly, that individuals who have higher levels of hope tend to attend more sessions,” Shannon said. To emphasize this point, Scott and David invited 11 attendees to join in a mock session, where they engaged in the "Hopes and Dreams" lesson of the curriculum.

“People were particularly curious about the curriculum’s harm-reduction approach and were asking if the curriculum is available for use outside of Telecare,” Shannon said. “Given the number of people asking us to share the COEG system, I guess our next step is figure out how to do just that!"

You can email Shannon Mong, Scott Madover, or David Heffron for more information about their presentation.