The Morning Meeting

Using Data to Target Risk and Overcome Barriers to Recovery

In July 2015, Sacramento Outreach Adult Recovery (SOAR) Administrator Shannan Taylor (right) introduced a new process to her team: the data-driven morning meeting. The goal: use data to help staff become more effective and focused in serving the right clients, at the right time, with the right, recovery-focused interventions.

Components of the Data-Driven Morning Meeting

You can download this PDF to get a more comprehensive overview, however in brief, the morning meeting process includes a handful of steps and/or components, including:

  • Member status surveys, completed at least weekly for all 225 SOAR clients
  • Priority snapshots of all clients, produced from survey data
  • A structured morning meeting process to input data, review snapshots, and prioritize care
  • Routine reports to check client progress and overall program performance

The new process was created using only a few simple, inexpensive tools (Excel and SharePoint) and is done in the same time as a regular morning meeting.

How It's Helping Us as a Team

"By focusing our team and focusing our services, we are able to prioritize our member's needs and are better able to identify risk," Shannan said. "The best way to transform the ideas of recovery into actual recovery is to plan your day around those practical steps. We do that using data."

"Our hope is that by collecting information in the morning meeting and archiving it, we can help plan for care as a team. We became much more effective just by turning a loosely structured case review discussion into something that is a lot more fast-paced, data-driven, and collaborative."