Deschutes Recovery Center (208)
The Deschutes Recovery Center provides residents a safe, secure living environment; the opportunity to participate in a recovery-oriented treatment program; and the possibility of transitioning to a less secure, community-based living situation.
20370 Poe Sholes Road
Bend, Oregon 97703
541-318-1377 Main
541-383-4587 Fax

Program News
Program Collateral & Information
Essentials at a Glance
Program Type: Residential
To Make Referrals: Deschutes County Behavioral Health Services coordinates all referrals. Referrals can be generated from multiple sources including: Oregon State Hospital, SageView, St. Charles acute care hospital; other hospitals; other residential facilities; and the community.
# of Beds: 16 beds
Who We Serve: Adults ages 18 and older who have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness. Must be referred through AMHI process or through the Psychiatric Security Review Board (PSRB) and be currently approved for payment through AMHI or PSRB. Must be approved by Deschutes County in collaboration with the recovery center, the treating referring program, the responsible community mental health program, and/or mental health organization.
Hours of Operation: Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
About the Program: The Deschutes Recovery Center is a 16-bed residential treatment program providing services to eight individuals under the jurisdiction of the Psychiatric Security Review Board (PSRB) and eight individuals under the authority of civil commitment proceedings with the State of Oregon. The main purpose of the program is to provide a stable living environment for people who are transitioning from the state hospital or other secure facilities to a community-based program as a primary component of their mental health treatment.
The desired outcome is for residents to be provided a safe, secure living environment; the opportunity to participate in a recovery-oriented treatment program; and the possibility of transitioning to a less secure, community-based living situation.
Notice of the Federal Open Payments/Sunshine Act (CA Assembly Bill 1278), Effective Jan. 1, 2023
For informational purposes only, a link to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments web page is provided here. The federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires that detailed information about payment and other payments of value worth over ten dollars ($10) from manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, and biologics to physicians and teaching hospitals be made available to the public.
The Open Payments database is a federal tool used to search payments made by drug and device companies to physicians and teaching hospitals. It can be found at